System Crafters

Chatting with the Community

The System Crafters community hangs out in a few places, YouTube comments (and live chat on streams), Discord, and IRC (also accessible with a Matrix bridge).


You can chat with us during System Crafters live streams!

Connecting to Twitch via IRC

During the live streams, David has both YouTube and Twitch comments up via Restream, meaning you can comment from either service (as long as it's working!). This is great for those of us who want to use IRC for comments, as Twitch enables commenting via IRC. Here's how to set that up (directions from this gist, but who knows how long Github keeps those up). Of course, you'll need a account.

  1. Ensure that your Twitch account has 2-Factor Auth enabled. I ran into troubles with setting things up before and this was the solution.
  2. Get an OAuth token for your Twitch account by visiting this website.
  3. Add a server to your IRC configuration using your OAuth token as the password. For ERC, you'll run something like this:
    (erc-tls :server ""
             :port 6667
             :password "<your OAuth token>"
             :nick "<your nick>")
  4. Once connected, you'll need to send an IRCv3 message to the server telling it your capabilities. I'm not sure how to do this programmatically with ERC, but you should be able to send a message like so: /quote CAP REQ
  5. You should be able to join chatrooms using the regular IRC commands from there! For Systemcrafters, run /join #systemcrafters.


This is currently where the bulk of the community is hanging out. There are several emacs and guix focused topic channels as well as general topic channels like gaming, music, and showcases of what the community is up to. Here is the invite link to Discord.

IRC / Matrix bridge

Internet Relay Chat (IRC)

#systemcrafters channel is on the irc server along with a lot of other FOSS software channels like #emacs, #guix, etc.

Join via ERC

You can join the #systemcrafters channel from within Emacs. For a quick introduction, have a look at Chat Like the 90's in Emacs with ERC, but for the impatient, you can use the following sexp:

(erc-tls :server ""
                  :port 6697
                  :nick   "YOUR-NICK"
                  :full-name "YOUR-FULL-NAME")

After your initial connection, use /join #systemcrafters to join the systemcrafters channel. For more information, see the ERC manual or the ERC page in the Emacs Wiki.

It's also a good idea to cloak your user (so your IP address is hidden from a whois query). You can do that by /join #libera-cloak and then sending the message !cloakme. You only need to do it once for your NickServ account and it will cloak all your nicks anytime you connect.

IRC chatting is simple, stable, hackable, and craftable, but because it's an old protocol with roots all the way back to the beginnings of the world wide web it comes with some limitations. One such limitation is that you have to be online to read messages. To learn more about configuring and using a ZNC bouncer server to stay connected and up to date with messages, see ZNC Bouncer Server Setup.

Matrix bridge

Some may prefer to access the IRC channel using the [matrix] protocol clients like Element. Matrix bridges allow other protocols to be bridged with matrix. Matrix clients have an UX more similar to Discord and have some benefits like: it serves as a built-in bounce server (so you can see messages when you weren't online), it inline markup and code snippets, and the mobile app support is better. There are a few different ways to achieve this:

Join as a Matrix user

You can join a room directly by adding to join with your Matrix identity. You don't have to register with IRC at all if you just want to keep using your Matrix identity since both Matrix and IRC users are treated as first class citizens.

Join as an IRC user

In order to use Matrix you have to have a Matrix account but if once logged into the client (Element) you can invite to a PM to register/identify your IRC nick. Then invite to a PM and !join #systemscrafters. In order to save your username by issuing the !username command followed by the !storepass YourP@assw0rd.

It's also a good idea to cloak your user (so your IP address is hidden from a whois query). You can do that by sending !join #libera-cloak to and then sending the message !cloakme. You only need to do it once for your NickServ account and it will cloak all your nicks anytime you connect.

Follow guidance on grouping your nicks under a single NickServ account if you plan on signing into IRC from Matrix and an IRC client simultaneously ( NOTE If you join as more than one sure please append an underscore to your secondary nick which should be the same as your primary nick. This will help everyone understand it's the same person in two different clients. Example: daviwil and daviwil_.

NOTE: IRC server does not support COMMAND setname which is what allows you to set your "real name" after connecting. And the Element client does not pass a realname as part of the connection string. So unfortunately your real name will show as your Matrix username.

Join as all the things

You could join from an IRC client and through Matrix and authenticate as an IRC user and you can join from Matrix as a Matrix user, just join.